Jan 28, 2023Liked by Darshak Rana

Thanks for your great advice for better life. I will keep it in mind on ward to improve my life. Have a good day !

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Thanks Darshak, great post.

I recently attended a training course at Amazon where they set out how they made decisions at the corporate level.

They use a system called One Way Doors and Two Way Doors.

One way door decisions are those that cannot be easily reversed. These decisions need more consideration because you can do permanent damage.

Two way door decisions can be easily reversed. So things such as moving a button on their home page can easily be moved back if conversion rates drop.

So this can be a really good framework for making those two way door decisions quickly and then building the learning from the outcomes.

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Thanks Martin for sharing that. It's a great way to check if I can go back to square one or not.

Everything comes at a cost.

Whether it’s marriage, moving to a new city, going back to school at a later stage of life, buying a car/home — you can reverse these decisions, but their costs are different. Some cost you time, some money, and some peace of mind.

So, evaluate the feasibility to reversing the decision makes a great point.

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